Category Archives: Posts

6th Symposium of the International Society for the History of Radiology – Final Agenda

Programme ISHRAD Symposium 2017 Friday October 13th, 2017 19.00 h Meeting/Reception (1) at Alter Simpl, Bohlenplatz 2, 91054 Erlangen Saturday October 14th, 2017 Siemens Healthineers MedMuseum, Gebbertstraße 1, 91052 Erlangen 09.30-10.00h Registration 10.00-10.10 h Busch, Uwe Welcome Session 1 Chairman Liz … Continue reading

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Invitation and call for papers – 6th Symposium of the International Society for the History of Radiology

October 13th- 15th October 2017 Dear Colleague We would like to invite you to our next ISHRAD symposium from 13th-15th October 2017 at the Siemens MedMuseum in Erlangen, Germany. Papers Abstract submission is now open for papers. All interested are … Continue reading

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6th ISHRAD General Assembly

Dear ISHRAD member, This is to announce that the sixth ISHRAD General Assembly will be held at the ECR meeting 2017 on Friday, March 3, 2017 from 12:00 -14:00 h at the Austria Center Vienna in Room M8 (Entrance Level … Continue reading

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Roentgen Memorial in Würzburg awarded as Historic Site by EPS

The European Physical Society (European Physical Society, EPS) honored on 7 June 2016 the place where Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen on 8 November 1895 discovered the X-rays as a “Historic Site”. It is the third “Historic Site” in Germany, in Europe 29 … Continue reading

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Australian Institute of Radiography: Spectrum Magazine Vol 23(1) February 2016

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ISHRAD, International Day of Radiology and the 120th anniversary of Rontgen’s discovery in Wuerzburg. – Report of meeting.

Report by Dr Arpan K Banerjee Chair British Society for the History of Radiology November 8 1895 was the day when Rontgen a relatively unknown Physics Professor at Wurzburg ,Germany conducted his epoch making experiment in his laboratory late on … Continue reading

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