October 7 and 8th, 2021 – Palais des Congrès de Paris – France
The French Society of Radiology is pleased and honored to organize the 10th symposium of the International Society for the History of Radiology on October 8 in Paris.
Organized for the first time in France on the occasion of the Journées Francophones de Radiologie, this event is part of the actions undertaken by the SFR in favor of the history of radiology, such as the creation of a Museum and a Documentation Center dedicated to radiology.
We hope that this meeting, unmissable for all those who are passionate about the history of radiology, will also attract the attention of the many participants attending the JFR2021.
In this respect, the chosen theme “Use of radiology and imaging in the study of historical facts: medicine, anthropology, archaeology, conflicts, art” is intended to be both unifying and appropriate for demonstrating the great diversity of applications of imaging.
In order to constitute the ISRAD2021 program, proposals for papers must be submitted by April 30 using the attached form. You will then have one more month to send your abstract, with the final program being published by the end of June.
We count on you to propose original topics and, together, to take part in the success of this edition.
Pr. Jean-François Meder, President
Pr. Anne Cotten, Secretary General
French Society of Radiology

Call for papers
Main theme:
Use of radiology and imaging in the study of historical facts: medicine, anthropology, archaeology, conflicts, art, …
Provide a topic as soon as possible to Mr. Frédéric ROZ
Provide the form for presenters with abstract before May 28, 2021
More information will follow as soon as available.
Join us in Paris, hopefully live